CAP. 316 S Census and Statistics (2001 Population Census) Order
( CAP. 316 sub. leg. S )
Empowering section (19/05/2000)
(Cap 316 section 9)
[19 May 2000]
(L.N. 150 of 2000)
Section 1 Census to be taken (19/05/2000)
- The Commissioner shall take a census of population to obtain particulars of-
- persons dwelling in Hong Kong other than-
- naval, military or air force personnel; and
- subject to paragraph (b), persons dwelling on board any vessel;
- persons dwelling on board any vessel in Hong Kong or in the waters of Hong Kong and to which the Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap 313) applies other than-
- any vessel for the time being used by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
- any warship; or
- any ship for the time being used by the Central People's Government or the Government of any foreign state;
- premises in Hong Kong which are not a vessel and are occupied by any person for dwelling purposes, and households in any such premises; and
- vessels on board of which persons dwelling are subject to census under paragraph (b), and households on board any such vessel.
- In this section, "premises" (處所) includes any staircase, corridor and any unsheltered place.
Section 2 Sampling methods may be used (19/05/2000)
The Commissioner may use sampling methods for the collection of information relevant to the census.
Section 3 Purpose of census (19/05/2000)
The purpose of the census is to obtain information on the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population in Hong Kong at the time the census is taken.
Section 4 Occupants to give particulars in accordance with schedules (19/05/2000)
- For the census taken under this Order, each person aged 15 or above occupying any premises subject to census under section 1(1)(c) or dwelling on board any vessel subject to census under section 1(1)(d) shall give to the Commissioner the particulars specified in the Schedule in respect of himself, the premises or the vessel and the household in such premises or on board such vessel.
- Each such person shall also give to the Commissioner the particulars specified in the Schedule in respect of any person who occupies the premises or dwells on board the vessel and who is aged below 15 under his guardianship or is unable to give the particulars by reason of sickness, disablement, absence or other sufficient cause.
- The particulars referred to in subsections (1) and (2) shall be given in such schedules as the Commissioner may issue for the purpose.
Section 5 Dates for taking census (19/05/2000)
The Commissioner shall take the census from 15 to 27 March 2001 (both dates inclusive).
Section 6 Date for destruction of schedules (19/05/2000)
The Commissioner shall destroy all completed schedules collected or received by census officers for the census, and all copies of the schedules, not later than 14 March 2002.
Schedule (19/05/2000)
[section 4]
Year and month of birth
Whether a member of the household
Relationship to head of household
Number of months in Hong Kong in the past 6 months
Number of months expected to be in Hong Kong in the next 6 months
Whereabouts at 3:00 a.m. on 14 March 2001 ("census reference moment")
Whether usually living at the same premises or on board the same vessel during the 6-month period preceding the census reference moment
Whether expecting to be usually living at the same premises or on board the same vessel during the 6-month period following the census reference moment
If not a member of the household, whether living at another premises in Hong Kong or on board another vessel in Hong Kong
If not usually living in Hong Kong-
- whether usually living on the Mainland of China or in Macau
- whether a two-way permit holder from the Mainland of China
- reason for usually living outside Hong Kong
Marital status
School attendance
Educational attainment-
- highest level attended
- highest level completed
Place of study
Mode of transport to place of study
Field of education
Usual language
Ability to speak other languages/dialects
Place of birth
Duration of residence in Hong Kong
Place of residence 5 years ago
Economic activity status
Place of work
Mode of transport to place of work
Earnings from main employment
Whether having secondary employment
Earnings from secondary employment
Cash income from rent
Other cash income
Whether owner of premises
Type of household
Household size
Household composition
Household income
Premises (other than vessels)
Type of premises
Occupancy of premises
Number of households in premises
Number of occupants in premises
Type of accommodation
Number of living/dining rooms
Number of bedrooms
Number of kitchens
Number of bathrooms/toilets
Number of other rooms
Tenure of accommodation
Rates, Government rent and management fee
Mortgage payment
Outstanding mortgage or loan period
Type of vessel
Occupancy of vessel
Number of households on board vessel
Number of occupants on board vessel