( CAP. 316 sub. leg. V )
Empowering section (07/01/2010)
(Cap 316 section 11)
[7 January 2010]
(Originally L.N. 218 of 2009)
Section 1 Commencement (07/01/2010)
This Order comes into operation on 7 January 2010.
Section 2 Interpretation (07/01/2010)
In this Order -
"business undertaking" (業務事業單位) means an undertaking carrying on business in Hong Kong, including a non-profit-making body and a statutory body;
"survey" (調查) means the statistical survey referred to in section 3;
"survey period" (調查期) means the survey period specified in or under section 6.
Section 3 Annual survey of economic activities (07/01/2010)
The Commissioner must carry out a statistical survey every year for the purpose of compiling statistics relating to the economic activities of business undertakings in the survey period.
Section 4 Matters in respect of which information is required to be given (07/01/2010)
- The matters in respect of which information must be given in a survey are the matters specified in the Schedule.
- The information must be given to the Commissioner-
- by completing such schedule as the Commissioner may issue for that purpose; and
- by completing that schedule within such period as may be specified in the schedule.
Section 5 Persons required to give information (07/01/2010)
The following persons must give information in respect of a business undertaking for the purpose of a survey, if so requested by the Commissioner -
- if the business undertaking is a body corporate, any director, secretary or other person concerned in the management of the body corporate;
- if the business undertaking is a partnership, any partner of the partnership;
- in any other case, the proprietor of the business undertaking.
Section 6 Survey period (07/01/2010)
The survey period in relation to any year in which a survey is carried out under section 3 is the calendar year immediately preceding that year or such other period of 12 consecutive months commencing in that calendar year and ending not later than 31 March in the following year as the Commissioner may specify in any particular case.
Section 7 Sampling methods may be used (07/01/2010)
The Commissioner may use sampling methods in the collection of statistical information under this Order.
Section 8 Application of Order (07/01/2010)
This Order applies to a business undertaking that carried on business during the whole of a survey period or any part of it, regardless of whether the business undertaking commenced business before or after the commencement of the survey period and regardless of whether or not the business undertaking ceased to carry on business during the survey period.
Section 9 Date for destruction of completed schedules (07/01/2010)
All completed schedules collected or received for a survey and all copies of the schedules must be destroyed not later than 4 years after the end of the survey period covered by that survey.
Section 10 Repeals (07/01/2010)
The following Orders are repealed -
- the Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Industrial Production) Order (Cap 316 sub. leg. A);
- the Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Wholesale, Retail and Import and Export Trades, Restaurants and Hotels) Order (Cap 316 sub. leg. C);
- the Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors) Order (Cap 316 sub. leg. E);
- the Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies, Restricted Licence Banks and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks) Order (Cap 316 sub. leg. H);
- the Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, Financing, Insurance and Business Services) Order (Cap 316 sub. leg. I);
- the Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services) Order (Cap 316 sub. leg. J).
Schedule (07/01/2010)
[section 4]
- Name and address of business undertaking. (For business undertakings submitting a combined return, this information is required in relation to each business undertaking.)
- Particulars of business premises. (For business undertakings submitting a combined return, this information is required in relation to each business undertaking.)
- Type of business activity. (For business undertakings submitting a combined return, this information is required in relation to each business undertaking.)
- Type of ownership.
- Percentage of shareholding by country/territory of origin of investment.
- Number of persons engaged, by type. (For business undertakings submitting a combined return, this information is required in relation to each business undertaking.)
- Number of working days, shifts and hours worked, by type.
- Compensation of employees, by type.
- Operating expenses, purchases and payments, by type.
- Stocks (including materials and supplies, work in progress, finished products and goods for sale or resale), by type, at the beginning and end of the survey period; and associated prices.
- Business receipts, sales and incomes, by type.
- Acquisitions, disposals, depreciation and stock of fixed assets, by type.
- Characteristics of transactions with parties outside Hong Kong, and receipts and payments arising from them, by type.
- For a business undertaking that carries on business in or relating to manufacturing - value, quantity and description of goods or industrial services produced or sold, by type.
- For a business undertaking that carries on business in or relating to building, construction and real estate-
- value of contract work, by type;
- value of construction work performed, by type;
- value of property completed or under construction; and associated price of land;
- particulars of individual building and construction projects; contract sum of the whole project; construction outlays, by type; value of construction work performed; and percentage of completion;
- particulars of individual real estate development projects; construction cost of the whole project; project outlays, by type; project value and land value; and percentage of completion;
- transactions in land and property.
- For a business undertaking that carries on business in or relating to insurance-
- premiums received and claims paid for direct insurance and inward reinsurance, by type;
- particulars of insurance funds, reserves and provisions, by type;
- investment, by type;
- number of life policies in force, by type.